Published Books

Otto's Epic Adventure at the Dinosaur Museum
Discover a fun-filled story for dinosaur-obsessed kids (ages 3-6) with this tale of Otto the dog and his exciting adventure at the dinosaur museum!
Tom loves to go to the dinosaur museum. But his dog Otto is always sad that he gets left behind. This time, Otto decides to follow Tom and his grandma to see what all the excitement is about – with hilarious results!
Children will adore this funny story as they see their favorite dinosaurs. Beautiful illustrations bring each page to life. An exciting adventure that inspires children to learn more about dinosaurs and rhyming

Save the Seagull
Save the Seagull helps raise the next generation of animal lovers, showing parents and kids alike that they have the power to make a difference in the world. This book is a short and delightful read that champions wildlife rescue and the families who look out for our animal friends.

Oso Bannie Repite un Año Escolar: El Regalo del Tiempo
Basandose en las experiencias de la autora Sue Stewart como madre de un niiio dislexico, Bannie el Oso Repite un Grado: El regalo del tiempo tranquiliza a los estudiantes y abre un valioso dialogo sobre el aprendizaje con discapacidades de aprendizaje y los desaffos emocionales que conlleva. Este libro muestra a los niiios que, por mucho que les cueste ir a la escuela, pueden utilizar el don del tiempo y prosperar a su propio ritmo

Bannie Bear Repeats a Grade: The Gift of Time
Inside, you’ll follow the story of Bannie Bear, a special young bear who is struggling at school. No matter how hard he tries, he discovers that he has to repeat a grade while all of his friends move up a grade. With adorable illustrations and an uplifting message that encourages students of all backgrounds, Bannie Bear Repeats a Grade: The Gift of Time, explains to children why the gift of time is the greatest gift of all.
Drawing on the author, Sue Stewart’s, experiences as the parent of a dyslexic child, Bannie Bear Repeats a Year: The Gift of Time reassures students and opens a valuable dialogue about learning with social and learning challenges. This book shows kids that no matter how much they struggle at school, they can use the gift of time and thrive at their own pace.
New Release!
Otto’s Epic Adventure Amusement Park
Discover a fun rhyming story for children ages 3-6 with this tale of Otto the dog and his exciting adventure at the amusement park!
Tom and his family are going to the amusement park, but his dog Otto is sad that he has to stay behind at the doggie daycare. Otto decides to follow his family to the amusement park to see what all the excitement is about – with hilarious results! Children will adore this funny story as they see their favorite amusement park rides. Beautiful illustrations bring each page to life. An exciting adventure that inspires children to learn more about rhyming. Features a word find and word matching game.
Book Details:
Features a Word Find and Word Matching Game
Makes a Perfect Book for Children Ages 3-6
Features Colorful Illustrations That Leap from Every Page
Contains Children’s Favorite Amusement Park Rides
Ideal For Bedtime Stories, as a Classroom Activity, To Pass the Time, and For Parents to Spend Quality Time with Their Kids
Great gift idea, Otto’s Epic Adventure at the Amusement Park is a delightful read that you’ll find yourself returning to again and again.
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